Podcasts I'm Listening To: November 2015 Edition

I consider myself a heavy consumer of podcasts - I listen to them while working, commuting on the train, eating breakfast, getting ready for school. Recently I noticed I have this massive build-up of podcast backlog, and the consequence of that is me not dealing with the information overfload and ended up neglecting podcasts all together.

Here’s my initial list:

  1. Accidental Tech Podcast
  2. Debug
  3. Connected
  4. Mystery Show
  5. Planet Money
  6. Reply All
  7. Roderick On The Line
  8. Analog(ue)
  9. The Bugle
  10. Build Phase
  11. Developing Perspective
  12. Melton
  13. StartUp Podcast
  14. Top Four
  15. WTF with Marc Maron
  16. Reconcilable Differences
  17. Cortex
  18. You Look Nice Today (I listen to the old episodes)

Some of you probably have more than that subscribed, but this was getting way too much for me, hence after trimming it down…

  1. Accidental Tech Podcast
  2. Mystery Show
  3. Reply All
  4. StartUp Podcast
  5. Planet Money
  6. Debug
  7. Analog(ue)
  8. Roderick On The Line
  9. Cortex
  10. Melton
  11. You Look Nice Today

This makes me a lot more comfortable now. Hopefully I won’t be adding more. There just are too many great podcasts out there vying for my attention these days.

